Wednesday, June 24, 2009

This is a light sketch of Sakura's desk. It is an uncluttered space and good for doing homework
On the desk itself we see few things other then pencils and school books. The two penguin toys keep it cute.
Sakura keeps her desk very neat. We see Sakura's lamp with her school hat hanging on it. Rebel!
Sakura's books and electric pencil sharpener

Pencil holder, tape despencer, lamp, pencil sharpener, penguins, books, anouther Sakura!

From,, and find a cute pink cup to hold all the pencils!
Oh no! The results are cute but cluttered. Not a good working enviroment!

Inside Sakura's top drawer we find cute and hidden objects placed away so they won't distract her. We see the clow book, her elastic, erasers, paper clips and oil crayons all with cute style!

And it is always a good idea to set up spaces like this, just in case friends drop by

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